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Our Privacy Policy

We welcome you to our Privacy Policy! It's great that you want to know more about how we protect your information. This policy will provide you with information about how we treat your personal data when you visit our website (regardless of where you visit us) or when you use our apps. The policy describes what your privacy rights are and how the law protects you.

So if you're looking for more information about how we collect, store, use and share your personal data, you're in the right place!

As an introductory, let's start by presenting some practical but very important information!

Who we are

Grupo Globais Serviços is formed by several different legal entities spread throughout Portugal. You can read more about the Group here https://www.globais.pt.

Form of contact

We have appointed a Data Protection Officer who has the responsibility to oversee matters relating to this privacy policy. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact our data protection officer at the apoio@globais.pt.

Your rights as an individual from whom we collect personal data (data subject)

You can make changes to your account information by editing it in your account settings. If you wish to unsubscribe, for example, from newsletters or advertising emails, you can do so via the link provided in the emails themselves. If you wish to delete the cookies installed, our cookie policy will show you how to do this (additional information will be given on this subject later in this Policy under the title Cookies).

At any time, as long as we have your personal data or are processing it, you will have the following rights:

1.    Right of access - you have the right to request a copy of the information we collect about you.

2.    Right of rectification – you have the right to correct the data we have about you that is incorrect or incomplete.

3.    Right to forget – in certain circumstances, you may request that the data we have about you be deleted from our records. If we are required by law to keep the information or it is impossible or inappropriate to delete it, we do not do so. However, these will only be maintained for the time strictly necessary, and our data systems have programmed time limits.

4.    Right to limitation of treatment – the right to limitation of treatment is subject to certain conditions.

5.    Right to portability - you have the right to ask that the data we keep about you be transferred to another organization.

6.    Right of opposition – you have the right to object to a certain type of treatment, such as direct marketing.

7.    The right to opposed automated processing, including profiling – you also have the right to prohibit computer decision-making in relation to your data (this does not include general age-based or gender-based advertising).

8.    Right to judicial review – if we refuse your application under the access rights, you will be given the reason. You have the right to complain.

Before you contact us there is one aspect that you should take into account. Our websites and applications may include links to other sites that are not maintained or controlled by us. An example of this is social media platforms or services. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of such websites. As such, if you have any questions regarding these sites, you should contact the site in question directly. We also recommend that you carefully read the privacy policies of other websites as they may easily be collecting, storing, using and sharing your personal information.

Complaints about our conduct

You have the right to complain if you feel that our group is not fulfilling its responsibilities with respect to your data.

The Group has a Data Protection Officer, who treats your complaint with the utmost seriousness. You can contact our Data Protection Officer at the apoio@globais.pt We will send you a confirmation of the email within no more than 5 days after the shipment and we will do our best to resolve the situation within a maximum of 1 month. If the issue covers any difficulties or requires extensive action, it may take longer to resolve, but we will give you frequent updates on the status of the issue.

You also have the right to complain to the authorities. However, since privacy is a very serious matter for us, we would like to ask you to always speak to us first.

You can complain about:

1.    how your personal data is processed;

2.    how your request for access to the data has been handled;

3.    how your complaint was handled;

4.    any decision taken after making a complaint.

Our rules on data collection

Your privacy is a very serious matter for us, so we only ask you for information that is really necessary to be able to provide you with a great service.

Whenever we collect customer data, we make sure that:

·         we have your permission to collect the data;

·         we only use the data for the agreed purpose and for as long as it is necessary;

·         at a minimum, we comply with local data protection laws in the country where we provide you with a service through our website or our applications;

·         we only keep the data that we are required to keep by law;

·         we clarify why we need the data and how we will use it (unless we have some legitimate reason not to);

·         sensitive information is checked and updated regularly (we can also compare the data with other databases to ensure that it is correct);

·         your data is not shared with anyone unless we have a legal or legitimate reason to do so or we have your permission or, if you are under the age of 16, the parental guardian's permission.

Data collection on our online channels

We collect your personal and anonymous information whenever you visit any of our websites in our domain or use any of our applications. When you visit our online channels, you can verify that we are collecting the data in accordance with the terms and conditions of the website.

We also receive information from third parties when you visit our page on social networking sites or channels (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, WeChat, etc.).

Types of personal information we collect

When you visit one of the online channels mentioned, we may collect:

·         registration information, which we use to help set up an account (e.g., name, country, gender, date of birth, email address, username and password);

·         information about payments or transactions, which we use when you purchase products or use online services (e.g., address, phone number or credit card number);

·         location information or your IP address, which we use to provide you with relevant online content;

·         information you have shared publicly on our forums;

·         information you have sent to a person or group through our publishing, messaging or chat services;

·         information you provide when you use our own online channels or third-party channels (such as social networks) or if you associate your account with a third-party platform.

Because the processing of personal data is necessary

In legal terms, the way we 'process data' describes how we collect, store, use, share and delete the data we receive from customers. When you share your personal information with us on our online channels, we will process it as described in this Privacy Policy.

We may use automated decision-making processes in the processing of your personal information for some services and products. An example of this is our efforts to prevent and detect fraud. If you do not agree with an automated decision you can request a manual review of the accuracy of it.

How personal data is processed

When you visit our online channels or when you use third-party websites or platforms, we use technologies such as cookies, flash cookies, pixels and web beacons in the processing of your personal data.

Please refer to our [Cookie Policy] for more information, including information on how to delete the installation of cookies on your device and how to prevent them from being installed!

Keep in mind that if you enable the feature that prevents cookies on your device, some of our services and features on the site may stop working.

We also collect information from other sources of trust so that we can update or add data to the personal information we collect.

Sharing information in forums and public chats

Since our public forums and chat services can be read by everyone, any personal information you share in them may be visible to the general public. If you would like us to delete personal information from you from public areas of the site, please send an email to our support service. If you are not able to delete your personal information for any reason, we will give you information about the reason in question. If you are under the age of 16, you will need the permission of a parent or guardian to use our public forums or chat features.

Sharing information on social networks (features) and widgets

Some of our sites may include links to social networks, such as the Facebook "Like" button, widgets such as the  "Share" button, and interactive mini-programs. If you click on any of these links, the features may collect your IP address and record which page you were using at this time. Features can also use cookies to function correctly. Social media features and widgets are hosted on a third-party server or directly on our website. When you use these features and widgets, the processing of your personal data is performed by that third party under your own privacy policy.

Sharing information with other companies

Please refer to our list of trusted third-party categories with which we may share your information.
Your personal information is not shared externally to the Group, except:

·         to enforce the terms of use or policies accepted by customers;

·         when necessary to ensure the protection, security, rights and property of our customers or third parties;

·         when necessary to respond to legal proceedings or in the event that disclosure is required by law;

·         when we ask other companies, such as carriers or providers of shipping and storage, payment, IT platforms, fraud prevention and detection, research or product catalogs, and customer service providers to deliver services on our behalf. We enter into contracts with companies to ensure that they only use your personal information for the agreed services and that they comply with legal requirements;

·         when we store your information through secure cloud storage services or mechanisms. We enter into contracts with companies to ensure that they only use your personal information for the agreed services and in accordance with legal requirements;

·         whether a merger, acquisition or sale of assets covers the sharing of information with third parties. In that case, we will send you an email and post a notice on our website to disclose the change of owner and we will also provide you with information about how your data will be used and what your options with regard to the processing of your personal data;

·         when you give us permission to share your information with third parties so that they can send information about your products and promotions (you may opt out of sending these emails by contacting our Customer Service although in some cases you may also need to contact the third party directly);

·         when you give us permission to share your information with third parties so that they can send you commercial information and promotions with respect to our products (e.g. personalized advertising provided through the platform of a social network). You can cancel these business activities by adjusting your device's cookie settings. In some cases, you may also need to contact the third party directly (in case the social network changes your privacy settings and requests the deletion of the information collected by the third party website);

·         when you ask us to share your personal information with third-party websites or platforms, such as social networking sites. Once shared, the processing of your personal data will be carried out by that third party in accordance with their own privacy practices.

How long personal information is stored

Your personal information is stored while your account is active or as long as it is necessary to provide you with a service. We have so-called retention policies for each of our categories of personal information processing

If you wish to cancel your account or ask us to delete your data, we will only keep the information necessary for legal reasons, to resolve disputes or to enforce our agreements.

Our Cookie Policy

Cookies are small data files that your browser installs on your computer or device. A cookie on its own does not store or collect information. However, when it is read by a server through the browser it can help a website provide a more intuitive service, such as remembering details about previous purchases or about the account.

Like most websites, our online channels and apps collect some information (e.g. information about IP addresses, browsers, Internet service providers, reference pages, exit pages, operating systems, timestamps, timestamps, and clickstream data). This information will not be associated with other information we collect about you unless you have given us permission to do so.

We, as well as our third-party tracking service partners, use browser storage, in-app storage, cookies, pixels, beacons, scripts and tags to analyze trends, administer the site, monitor user movements on the site, and collect demographic information about our overall user base. We may receive these reports individually or in general from our third-party tracking service partners. 

Ensuring the safety of minors online

Ensuring the safety of minors online and having additional measures to treat their privacy is of utmost importance to us and to make sure that we keep our newest fans safe when using our online channels. In fact, some of the features have age restrictions to prevent minors from accessing them. We also take all reasonable care to ensure that we do not knowingly collect, store, use or process personal information from minors if they use these features without parental consent.

We adhere to an electronic children's security program that conducts annual audits of our company to ensure that we respect the rules regarding how we interact with minors online.

We also adopt the legislation applicable to minors aged between 13 and 18 years and, with regard to personal data, we consider all persons under the age of 16 to be a minor.

If you have any questions or would like to ask about our Privacy Policy, please contact our Data Protection Officer via email.

When we process personal information from minors, we take some additional steps to protect your privacy, including:

·         ensure that we inform the parent about the type of collection, storage, use and processing of children's personal information and that we explain whether we are sharing their information;

·         comply with the legal requirements by asking for parental consent to collect, use and process a minor's data and ask for your consent to send information about our products and services to the child;

·         limit how we collect, store and process personal information from minors in order to collect only the information reasonably necessary for them to perform an online activity;

·         give parental guardians access or give them the option to request access to the personal information we collect about minors. Parental guardians may also request the change or deletion of the personal information of minors.

Collection and use of information about minors

While some of our websites, channels and apps are designed with families and users of all ages in mind, there are others that are thought to be used primarily by minors. Whenever we collect personal information from a minor, we only store it for as long as necessary to be able to provide you with a service or for the time legally required.

Although minors may choose whether or not to share your information, there are features on our websites that do not work if they do not provide us with your information. Where it is necessary to provide personal information for the features to work, we will only request information reasonably necessary in order for you to be able to perform the respective activity.

What happens if we accidentally collect data about minors?

If it is found that we accidentally collect information from a minor in a manner that does not comply with the requirements of the Online Child Privacy Protection Act, such information will be deleted immediately.

Ask for parental consent

Request first-level consent by email If
you need to collect personal information from a minor, we will ask for parental consent in accordance with legal requirements. We will send the parent or guardian of the minor an email explaining what information we collect and how it is used and asking them to grant us or refuse their consent. If the parent or guardian does not give their consent within a reasonable time, we will delete all information we collect about the minor, including the adult contact information we request so that we can ask for your consent.

Request top-level "verifiable consent"

If it is necessary to share the minor's personal information publicly or with a third party, we will ask for a higher level of parental consent in addition to the above-mentioned email request. We may request credit card verification or other payment method (with a nominal charge involved), verification by phone or via a video chat with a qualified Customer Service representative or a signed consent form to be sent to us by mail, email attachment, or fax. We may grant the parent or guardian a PIN or password that they may use in future communications to confirm the adult's identity.

What if a parent or guardian has not received any contact to give their consent?

If someone under the age of 16 accesses an online channel designed for children who are age-restricted, we will send an email to their parent or guardian before we collect any personal information. If you think the child in your charge is taking online actions that involve the collection of your personal information and have not received any email informing you of it or asking for your consent and, if applicable, the other parent or guardian has also not received any email of the same nature, please contact our Data Protection Officer. We will not use the email addresses provided during parental consent for any other purposes unless the adult expressly indicates their desire to receive advertising emails or be part of an activity that allows contact by email.

Options and parental control

At any time, parents or guardians may refuse to continue to collect and use the child's personal information. Parents or guardians may ask us to delete from our records the personal information we collect following the creation of the child's account. Because some services need personal information, deleting  a minor's records may cause them to no longer have access to your account, loyalty, or certain services.

If you prefer to contact us, please let us know your child's username and phone number and email address. We will need to confirm your identity as the parent or guardian of the minor before we grant you access to your personal information. We will respond to your request within a reasonable time.

If we make significant changes to the way we use the personal information we collect from a minor under the age of 16, we will inform your parent or guardian by email and ask you for "verifiable parental consent" for the new way of using your child's personal information.

Sharing information we consent to share with third parties

If we have received higher-level parental consent to publicly share your child's personal information, we may also share personal information with our service providers or legal authorities. We may share information with our service providers including software solutions companies, online security partners, and customer service services. Our contracts with these companies ensure that they only use personal data for the agreed purposes.

We may share personal information to comply with legal processes or if disclosure is required by law. As permitted by applicable law, we may also share personal information collected from minors to:

·         respond to a request from a police or public body (including schools or children's services) or to disclaim responsibility;

·         make a disclosure that presumably can prevent a crime from being committed;

·         assist in a public security-related investigation;

·         protect the safety of a minor who is using our online channels;

·         protect the technology of our service providers or the security of our online channels.

Parental guardians have the right to consent to the collection, use and processing of the personal information of minors without being obliged to consent to the disclosure of this information to third parties. We do not share information with other third parties other than what has already been mentioned above.

Our employees

Whether you are our current employee or are applying for a job with us, we will process specific information important for your hiring and application. The principles of this Privacy Policy will also apply to your hiring and application.

Data security and integrity

The security, integrity and confidentiality of customer information is extremely important to us. We use technical, administrative and physical security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, use and alteration. All external transfers containing personal information are made using encrypted technology. The processing of credit card information is carried out by approved service providers who comply with PCI (payment card industry data security standards) and have adequate safeguards provided for.
While we regularly review our security procedures and evaluate new technologies and methods to make our online channels safer, there are no perfect or impenetrable security measures.

Our customers, employees and partners also play an important role in protecting information. We recommend that customers choose passwords that are difficult to discover and not to disclose them to anyone.

In the event that there has ever been a data breach and that customer information may be at risk of misuse, we will contact customers in accordance with legal requirements. If necessary, we will also contact the data protection authorities.

Binding company rules and local legal requirements

We want to ensure that, at a minimum, we use the data privacy and security standards adopted by the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) anywhere in the world where we collect, store, use or share your personal data. Where legislation requires more from us, we will tailor our practices to ensure that your data is safe no matter where you are! To ensure that we deliver on our promise, we have implemented something designated as Binding Rules applicable to companies, which entered into force from June 2022 (Binding Rules applicable to companies). These rules are implemented in the European Union (EU) by European data authorities and set some of the world's strictest standards for data collection, storage, use and sharing.

Notice for California residents:

if you reside in California under section 1798.83 of the California Civil Code, you have the right to request information regarding the disclosure of your personal information by certain members of the our Group to third parties for the purposes of direct third party marketing. With respect to these entities, this Privacy Policy applies only to your activities in the State of California.

Notice for residents of Australia:

with regard to how your information is processed, to comply with local law will also apply to this Privacy Policy as follows:

Typically, where reasonable and practical, personal information is collected directly from the person concerned, but we may also collect information from other sources of trust to update or supplement the personal information provided or processed automatically.

·         We may also use your personal information to give you information about products and services or third parties. Sometimes we or our entities and our business partners may contact you by mail, telephone, email or other electronic messaging services (such as SMS, voice, audio or image messages, including the use of automated calling systems) to give you information about products and services (including discounts and special offers). If you do not wish to receive further advertising or promotional information from us and from our Group entities or our partners, you can cancel your subscription at any time. There are certain messages, related to the goods and services we provide you, whose subscription you cannot cancel.

·         We will take reasonable steps in accordance with the circumstances (if applicable) to destroy or anonymize personal information when it is no longer necessary.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy to take into account new technologies, industry practices, regulatory requirements or for other purposes. We will notify users in advance by email and post the information on our online channels if these changes are significant and we will ask for their consent if required by law.

Categories of third-party suppliers

The Group works with a number of trusted partners to ensure that we offer you, our business partners and our employees the best possible experience. This means that sometimes it will be necessary to allow the processing of personal data by third parties.

To give you an overview, we categorize the type of suppliers we use and why we use them, sorted by category.

The processing of personal data with suppliers is carried out according to the following categories:

·         IT service providers

We use a wide range of trusted partners worldwide to provide us with IT services and system management services, both in customer and partner activities and in our IT and internal management systems.

·         Global payment provider and processing partners

To ensure payment processing safely and efficiently, both online and in our stores or through invoices or transfers.

·         Cloud Storage Partners

We store our data and yours in secure data centers around the world.

·         Fraud prevention and detection agencies and partners

working with the Group worldwide to ensure that the Group does not suffer fraud.

·         Storage, packaging, transportation and delivery partners

that help us bring our products to our customers and business partners around the world.

·         Catalog printing and mailing partners

that help us ensure that catalogs and magazines reach you.

·         Business partners

So we can deliver personalized and targeted ads, promotions and campaigns to your audience both during interaction with our online platforms, on social and in-store networks and in other ways.

·         Social media partners

To be present and allow your interaction with the Group on the platforms you use.

·         Research providers, questionnaires and product reviews

that help us ensure that we receive your relevant opinion from your experience ®!

·         Tax and customs authorities, regulators and other authorities around the world

which require reporting of processing activities in certain circumstances.

·         Professional consultants

Including lawyers, bankers, auditors and insurers globally who provide the Group with consulting services, banking services, legal services, insurance services and accounting services.