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The story that jn published on September 23 (Fatal ride took martin's dreams) has gained media visibility and, according to information  published by the solidarity group "Martin the warrior" on its Facebook page, "there are countless people and companies willing to help".

"No one is indifferent to our Martin. For the next few weeks there are already some events scheduled, the will ingness to help is so great, that they do not stop growing", it reads.

The distribution of cans in solidarity with the boy's image was also announced on that page. "Given the high number of requests related to solidarity cans, a group  and friends of Martin created on a small scale  a few dozen cans to put in some commercial establishments that have requested them," the group said.

A game of Âncora Praia, club where Martin was a goalkeeper and where he was honored with the presentation a stripe that read "Martin Force", yielded 2200 euros. Other games, trails and solidarity shows are scheduled until December, the month in which a year of the tragic accident is being made.

It was on December 16, 2020 that Martin's life, then 12, changed forever. As well as her parents Amaya Guterres, 43, and Paulo Fonseca, 44, and the three brothers Paulo, 14, Ricardo, 17 and Diogo, 19. The ride in the car of the mother of a friend of the school was fatal in a level crossing with guard in Caminha. The vehicle was violently picked up by a train. The driver and her son were unharmed, but Martin suffered several fractures and severe brain and cervical injuries. He became totally dependent ( he is tracheostomized, powered by gastric button, and has a tetraparesis). It doesn't walk, it doesn't talk and it's ventilated 24 hours a day.

Parents are currently struggling with the insurer to "take responsibility" and be able to bear "the high expenses" that their child's recovery therapies and new condition represent.